Erasmus + Exchange Program (2021 Term Project)Our university participates in Erasmus + programs with an increasing number of student and faculty exchanges every year. This mobility, which started with 4 universities continues by signing cooperation agreements with new universities every year.Our university students can spend 1 semester or 1 year of their education abroad within the scope of exchange agreements we have signed with distinguished universities in European Union member countries within the scope of the Erasmus+ program and within our quotas. Inter-institutional agreement is not required for student internship mobility. Students studying in associate, undergraduate, graduate or doctoral programs can benefit from the Erasmus+ program. The only condition for applying to the program is that the weighted grade point average of our undergraduate and associate degree students is at least 2.20, and the grade point average of our graduate and doctoral students is at least 2.50. At the application stage, the transcript has not been created yet; 1-For students who transfer from associate degree, minimum 2.20/4.00 of associate degree graduation grade; 2-For first year students, the high school graduation grade is at least 75/100. Evaluation is based on 50% Erasmus English Exam Grade and 50% Transcript grade. Students who are entitled to benefit from the program within the quotas are given a monthly grant from 450 Euros to 750 Euros for education and internship mobility, depending on their living expenses in the country of destination. For detailed information about the program, you can contact our Erasmus office. Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş