AUTHOR GUIDELINES1. Beykent University Journal of Law (BUJL) is a biannual peer-reviewed journal published in January and June.2. The Journal covers scientific works in private law, public law and financial law. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal for publication cannot have previously been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The author(s) submitting manuscripts to the Journal are considered to have agreed to and followed this rule.3. The publishing language of the Journal is Turkish. Works in other languages are welcome as well.4. Peer-reviewed articles, reviews and analysis of legislation and court rulings, book reviews, translations, and papers are published in the Journal. The Editorial Board is responsible for accepting or rejecting such manuscripts.5. For translated works to be published in the Journal, written consent for publication must be obtained from the author of the translated work and/or the natural or legal person(s) holding the copyright, and submitted to the Editorial Board.6. The author(s) must submit their contact information (full name, title, institution, phone number, e-mail address and ORCID number) to the Editorial Board together with their work(s).7. It is considered that final checks and proofreading relating to the work(s) submitted to the Journal are completed and that the author(s) submitting their work(s) via email have approved that the work(s) are ready for publication. The initial check of the work(s) submitted is conducted by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board has the authority to reject manuscripts if it is found that the basic scientific criteria and spelling rules are not followed.8. Following the Editorial Board’s initial inspection, manuscripts are sent to two peer reviewers, who are experts on the subject. In line with the model in which the author information is unknown to reviewers, the name of the author is kept hidden in this stage. Based on the reviewers' reports, a decision is made whether to publish or reject the manuscript, or request a correction from the author. The author is immediately notified thereof. Following the review process, the works that are deemed inappropriate will not be published and returned to the author(s).9. The first page of the manuscript must include the following information:a. The title of the manuscript should be capitalised, black and written both in Turkish and either English, German or French.b. The name of the author, including their title, should be ‘aligned right’ below the title, and asterisked. The institution, department, title, and email address of the author should be written in the footnote.c. The manuscript should include an abstract written both in Turkish and either English, German or French. Each abstract should be no less than 150 words and no longer than 200 words. The number of keywords should be no more than 5.10. Manuscripts should be written in MS Word. The font of the main body text should be 12-point Times New Roman, and 1.5 spaced. The footnotes should be in 10-point Times New Roman font using normal line spacing. An A4 page layout should be used. The left and top margins should be 4 cm, and the right and bottom margins should be 3 cm. Authors must follow the above-mentioned guidelines in their manuscripts to be submitted to the Journal.11. Words written in a foreign language should be italicised.12. Abbreviations should not be given in a list. When a name or a title appears for the first time in the text, it should be provided in full, with its shortened version in parentheses, and only the shortened version should be used after that.13. A list of sources referred to in the article should be provided at the end of the manuscript. References must be written in alphabetical order by the name of the author(s). In-text citations should be provided in footnotes at the end of the page.Example: Durmuş Tezcan et al., İnsan Hakları El Kitabı [Human Rights Manual], 4. ed., Seçkin, Ankara, 2011. Erol Çiçek, “İnsan Hakkı Olarak Çevre ve Çevre Hukukuna Hâkim Olan Bazı İlkeler” [Environment as a Human Right and Some Principles Dominating the Environmental Law], TBB Dergisi, 103 (2012), pp. 351-378.14. Following the full name of the author, the title of the work must be italicised. The edition information, publisher, publication date and place, and the page number of the work must be provided in the footnotes. The name of the author and the page number must be provided in the references to the same work. The same rules apply to foreign sources, as well. When referencing a website, the full name of the website should be provided as well as the access date in parenthesis. Example: When a work is cited for the first time, the full name of the author should be provided, as seen below: Sefa Reisoğlu, Türk Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler [General Provisions on the Turkish Law of Obligations], 25th ed., Beta, İstanbul 2014. In subsequent citations to the same work, the last name of the author should be given first, as seen below: Reisoğlu, p. 89.15. If and when submitted works are accepted for publication, then and in this case authors acknowledge that they have transferred their copyrights of any kind, including electronic publication, to Beykent University’s Faculty of Law. No other royalties shall be paid to the author(s).16. The author is liable for opinions expressed in their work published in the Journal. The Faculty takes no responsibility whatsoever for that matter. Manuscripts that are wished to be published in the Beykent University Journal of Law must be written according to the above-mentioned guidelines in MS Word format and submitted to the Journal via the following e-mail Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş